Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This is another quick little trick for putting existing room names onto a demolition plan.  Because of how the Phase Filters work in Revit, you can’t get existing room names to show up on a demolition plan… it automatically defaults to show the new construction rooms.  So here’s what we’ve done:

  1. Duplicate the Existing Floor Plan view for each floor plan and call it “FIRST FLOOR PLAN – ROOM NAMES” as an example…
  2. Set the PHASE FILTER for the view to SHOW ALL and the Phase to EXISTING.
  3. Under VISIBILITY GRAPHICS, turn everything off except for ROOMS (under Model Categories) and ROOM TAGS (under Annotation Categories).
  4. This will create a view that has just the room names as seen below:

Now… here’s the trick.  You are going to put this view “on top” of your normal demolition plan view on your plan sheet.  You may have to do a little bit of aligning before you turn everything off in visibility graphics to make sure that the correct room is in the right space.  This is what you end up with.  The image below is a "demolition plan" view with a "room names" view on top of it on the sheet.  The draw back is that if you want to move a room tag... you need to do it in the sheet view to make sure it doesn't overlap any keynote, dimension, etc.

WARNING!!!    When you’re all done with this and you want to edit your view from the sheet… make sure to click on the correct view.  Since these 2 views are essentially on top of each other, you may click one and not realize it.  Also, make sure you duplicate your view when doing this… otherwise you’ll end up with views where you want the walls and floors and doors on and all you’ve got is room names.



This is a little trick that I've used when I have a lot of demolition keyed notes to put on a drawing.  It's hard sometimes to differentiate between the new walls and the existing walls.  After a while it all starts to look like the same mess of black walls/toilets/doors/etc.  Here's a quick way to help you get thru that.  Turn all of the demo items to RED.  





It's easy to do...

  1. Go to the MANAGE TAB and click on PHASES at the far right.
  2. On the menu that opens up, click on the GRAPHIC OVERIDES TAB.
  3. Then for both Demolished Projection/Surface Lines and Cut Lines... click on the little box that has the dashed line in it.
  5. This will make all the demolished items in your plans red and easier to see.


WARNING!!!  Make sure to go back and change these BACK TO BLACK BEFORE YOU PRINT.  These red lines don't print to pdf well and wouldn't show up on printed sets very well.